
I dabble in design, programming, and website management. Here are a few of the things I’ve worked on:

CRADL 2011: I designed the logo for David Redmiles’ Collaboration Research in Action, Design, and Learning Lab in the Department of Informatics at the University of California, Irvine.
CSCW 2009: I designed the logo and WordPress template for Charlotte Lee’s Computer Supported Collaboration Laboratory in the Department of Human Centered Design & Engineering at the University of Washington.
Family Reunion 2007: I put together a reunion web site for my family. This gave me an opportunity to experiment with the Joomla content management system and lots of its plugins.
CSCW 2004 & 2006: As the Electronic Publications Chair for Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2004 and 2006, I coordinated and organized all the online content, and I programmed and maintained the conference web sites.
HCIC Fall 2000: The Human Computer Interaction Consortium brings together researchers from several universities and corporations. I designed, coded, and maintained the web site for their annual workshop. I was pretty nervous desiging this site – I knew Don Norman (and many other HCI professionals) would be attending the conference and using my interface to resgister. This site was scripted in PHP and used a MySql database.
Artifacts and Disclosures Summer 2000: Artifacts & Disclosures presented Michigan’s LGBT Heritage through pictures and events. This site was created in cooperation with the Lavender Information and Library Association and the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan. This was my first big database-driven interactive site, built with PHP and MySql. The project is described in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies v.7 no.1 here.
Blair's Disk Sharpening Summer 2000: This is a clean and simple brochure page for my uncle’s business, Blair’s Disc Sharpening.
Flores Greenberg Summer 2000: The Flores Greenberg Consulting Group web site was the first commercial site that I designed. The company wanted a web site that projected a professional (but not stodgy) image.
ASP/OSS Spring 2000: The Making Technology Work conference explored the impact of Open-Source Software and Application Service Providers on the non-profit world. I was one of the student organizers, and I designed and managed the web site.
Yupik Masks Winter 1999: The Living Traditions of Yup’ik Masks CD-ROM was a project I worked on as part of the Cultural Heritage Initiative for Community Outreach project and SI 622: Evaluation of Systems and Services, taught by Judy Olson.
Relational Practice in Organizations Fall 1999: As part of the planning committee for the Relational Practice in Organizations conference, I designed an interactive web site that allowed conference attendees to share information about themselves and create a collective bibliography. My first PHP-scripted site.
D.O.P.I.E.R. Fall 1999: The D.O.P.I.E.R. (Dynamic Organization of Prioritized Information Exploration Results) system was an demonstration interface that visualized search engine results using dynamic topic clustering and allowed users to explore results by drilling down into topic areas. Created with Charles Yun and Weiguo Fan as part of SI 649: Information Visualization, taught by George Furnas.
IRWG Spring 1999: I created and designed the website for the Institute for Research on Women and Gender at the University of Michigan. The site has been redesigned, so my pages are not live any more.