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Health Data Exploration Report Published

Our report examines attitudes towards personal health data from the individuals who track personal health data, the companies involved in self-tracking devices, apps, or services, and the researchers who might use the data.

Presentation at 4S 2013

“Personal Genetic Code: Algorithmic Living, Genomics, and the Quantified Self” at the 4S 2013 Annual Meeting.

Book Chapter Published

My chapter titled “Distributed Work: Working and Learning at a Distance” has been published in Technology-Enhanced Professional Learning.

Book Chapter Accepted

My chapter titled “Distributed Work: Working and Learning at a Distance” has been accepted for publication.

Facebook revives gay search

FB_gay_searchI remember way-back-when, in the early days of Facebook, it used to be possible to run searches based on personal attributes. Anyone who listed themselves as a woman interested in women was easy to find. And then, I think in part due to complaints from users and privacy advocates, that functionality disappeared (or at least was a lot harder to access). Now it’s back with a vengeance.

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Updated Site Design

I’m sure that you, as a frequent visitor to, have noticed that we’ve got a new (simpler) look. I’d been planning on updating things around here, but some lovely hackers have forced my hand. For the moment I’m using a default theme, but hope to customize it soon when I get a few spare moments.

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