Archives For cscw

Our special issue of CSCW has been published! I’m really excited about the six accepted papers.

Special Issue: Sociotechnical Studies of Cyberinfrastructure and e-Research: Supporting Collaborative Research

Guest Edited by Charlotte P. Lee, David Ribes, Matthew J. Bietz, Helena Karasti and Marina Jirotka

CSCW, v. 19, no. 3-4, August 2010
Read Online at SpringerLink

  • Sociotechnical Studies of Cyberinfrastructure and e-Research: Current Themes and Future Trajectories / David Ribes and Charlotte P. Lee
  • Synergizing in Cyberinfrastructure Development / Matthew J. Bietz, Eric P. S. Baumer and Charlotte P. Lee
  • The Dialectical Tensions in the Funding Infrastructure of Cyberinfrastructure / Kerk F. Kee and Larry D. Browning
  • Transforming Scholarly Practice: Embedding Technological Interventions to Support the Collaborative Analysis of Ancient Texts / Grace de la Flor, Marina Jirotka, Paul Luff, John Pybus and Ruth Kirkham
  • Reconfiguring Evidence: Interacting with Digital Objects in Scientific Practice / Marko Monteiro
  • Reusing Scientific Data: How Earthquake Engineering Researchers Assess the Reusability of Colleagues’ Data / Ixchel M. Faniel and Trond E. Jacobsen
  • Infrastructure Time: Long-term Matters in Collaborative Development / Helena Karasti, Karen S. Baker and Florence Millerand

NEW EXTENDED DEADLINE! Call for Papers Special Issue of JCSCW

Supporting Scientific Collaboration Through Cyberinfrastructure and e-Science

Guest Editors: Charlotte P. Lee, David Ribes, Matthew Bietz , Marina Jirotka, and Helena Karasti

Scientific collaboration using cyberinfrastructure (CI), or e-Science, is forward facing. e-Science projects aim to support the collaboration of research communities, whether by facilitating distanced collaboration or sharing data and computational resources. The most ambitious e-Science projects are creating entirely novel scientific fields, anticipating and actively cultivating new scientific communities and practices. Such endeavors present original challenges to researchers in CSCW fields: questions of large-scale technology development, of supporting communities in addition to groups, and of long-term sustainability.
Cyberinfrastructure and e-Science projects are partially information technology research ventures, but they are also forms of applied sociology, e.g., building bridges across heterogeneous disciplinary traditions and scientific methods. Careful attention must be paid to the full range of participant’s activities as they go about their work. How to establish reliable, accessible and appropriate information infrastructure is a challenge for contemporary CSCW.

For this special issue on computer supported scientific collaboration, we welcome research on topics such as, but not limited to: case studies or comparative analyses of cyberinfrastructure & e-Science development or use; novel applications for large-scale scientific collaboration; and practices for supporting heterogeneous, distributed, or long-term collaborations. We seek empirically grounded studies with a sensibility for theoretical contributions to CSCW and closely related fields.

Schedule and Submission Process
October 11, 2009……….NEW DEADLINE. Deadline for submission of manuscripts
November 19, 2009……Notification of acceptance
January 30, 2009.………Submission of finished manuscripts

Instructions for Authors:

Submitting Manuscripts: Authors should submit their manuscripts to the Editorial Manager (EM) system (at ). Select the appropriate special issue under Article Type: “Scientific Collaboration Through Cyberinfrastructure”.
About the Journal: Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) disseminates innovative research results and provides an interdisciplinary forum for the debate and exchange of ideas concerning theoretical, practical, technical, and social issues in CSCW. Coverage ranges from ethnographic studies of cooperative work to reports on the development of CSCW systems and their technological foundations.

I’m organizing (with Charlotte Lee and David Ribes) a workshop at the upcoming CSCW 2008 conference. There’s still time to send a position paper! Here are the details:

Workshop on Designing Cyberinfrastructure to Support Science

At the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Saturday, November 8. San Diego, CA

Recent years have seen the rise of new forms of large-scale distributed scientific enterprises supported primarily through advanced information infrastructures. These advanced infrastructures are called “cyberinfrastructure,” although terms such as grid computing, collaboratories, and eScience are also commonly used. Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Cyberinfrastructure intersect in their aims to support collaboration within heterogeneous groups and across physical distribution. Furthermore the development of CI – or large-scale informational resources – is itself a form of collaborative work worthy of CSCW research. Continue Reading…