Archives For special issue

Our special issue of CSCW has been published! I’m really excited about the six accepted papers.

Special Issue: Sociotechnical Studies of Cyberinfrastructure and e-Research: Supporting Collaborative Research

Guest Edited by Charlotte P. Lee, David Ribes, Matthew J. Bietz, Helena Karasti and Marina Jirotka

CSCW, v. 19, no. 3-4, August 2010
Read Online at SpringerLink

  • Sociotechnical Studies of Cyberinfrastructure and e-Research: Current Themes and Future Trajectories / David Ribes and Charlotte P. Lee
  • Synergizing in Cyberinfrastructure Development / Matthew J. Bietz, Eric P. S. Baumer and Charlotte P. Lee
  • The Dialectical Tensions in the Funding Infrastructure of Cyberinfrastructure / Kerk F. Kee and Larry D. Browning
  • Transforming Scholarly Practice: Embedding Technological Interventions to Support the Collaborative Analysis of Ancient Texts / Grace de la Flor, Marina Jirotka, Paul Luff, John Pybus and Ruth Kirkham
  • Reconfiguring Evidence: Interacting with Digital Objects in Scientific Practice / Marko Monteiro
  • Reusing Scientific Data: How Earthquake Engineering Researchers Assess the Reusability of Colleagues’ Data / Ixchel M. Faniel and Trond E. Jacobsen
  • Infrastructure Time: Long-term Matters in Collaborative Development / Helena Karasti, Karen S. Baker and Florence Millerand