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Prepping for Ann Arbor

So it’s been a while. I should try to post here more often.

Coming up to a meeting with the committee on Thursday morning. They’ve had a chance to read over results from the first experiment and the plans for experiment #2.

I leave for Ann Arbor next Wednesday. Lots of stuff to prepare before I go, especially preparing materials for the experiment. I need to hit the ground running with that. Hopefully it’ll be a productive trip.

Got accepted to the i-Conference doctoral colloquium. I’ll have a lot of chances to present posters about my dissertation – the SI PhD student poster session, then the i-Conference, then CSCW in November.

Today I’m dealing with a lot of little things I need to do. Final versions are due soon for the CSCW paper and the i-Conference submission. CHI (Sept. 29) and ICA (Nov. 1) deadlines are coming up soon too. I probably won’t do CHI – I won’t have much more to say than I did for the CSCW poster. ICA would be a fun conference to try out.

OK – back to it.

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