There’s a light at the end of the tunnel…

Matthew Bietz —  October 2, 2007 — 1 Comment

Two weeks from today. October 16. 1:00pm (eastern). I’ll be defending my dissertation. It’s hard to believe it’s almost here. If all goes well (and even if it doesn’t), soon I won’t be a student any more. If you count pre-school, I’ve been a student for the past 32 years. Yeah, there was that year working in the library at Stony Brook, but even then I was taking classes, it was a university library, and I knew that I was going back to school. I didn’t stop being a student, I just took a sabbatical.

I’m looking forward to being grown up. But it still feels weird.

Matthew Bietz


One response to There’s a light at the end of the tunnel…

  1. Dr. Bietz….
    Dr. Bietz….

    Just trying it out to see how it sounds.

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