Archives For Asides

Quick update: it’s looking like the NSF made it into the stimulus package after all. Good news, but I still don’t think we can relax.


Matthew Bietz —  November 9, 2007 — Leave a comment

Do you think it’s sad that the greatest achievement of my day is that I managed to move the cat off the carpet and onto the hard kitchen floor before he threw up?

6:10pm Eastern; Just talked to Dan. No change in status. Should be back in SD around 9:30pm Pacific.

I often find myself wondering about/pitying the poor English majors who find themselves paying the bills by writing descriptions for chain restaurant drink menus (or similar ad copy). Today’s example (from a tv ad for the ClearBlue Easy pregnancy test): “Without a doubt, it is the most sophisticated piece of technology you will ever pee on.”

Article in the San Diego Union Tribune: “For the past 2½ years, Merrie Maino’s cat has been prowling her La Jolla neighborhood and bringing home just about anything he can get his mouth around…. When the San Diego County Fair begins its annual run tomorrow at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, that’s where some of Alvin’s stuff will be, in the collections exhibit, bearing this title: Look What the Cat Dragged Home.” Sounds like a great SI504 project.


Matthew Bietz —  May 3, 2007 — Leave a comment

Sharp knives are a good thing.